My Dog and Me
“My Dog and Me” will complete the last module of the Promoting Animal Welfare In Schools - PAWS program!
This book will be in the social studies category and is all about the human animal bond.
I think I am most proud of this book. As a child, I can honestly say my dog was my best friend.
She made everything better and through her, it made it easier for me to make other friends.
Some kids have trouble in school and socializing with other children their age. Having the unconditional love of a dog can make all the difference in the world to a troubled child or adult.
In this next book, Adalyn, Letty and Miguel find a special friendship through their love for their dogs.
Three very different kids with different life challenges find out they are not so different after all.
Additional Details:
• Ages K-3
• 8x8” hard cover
• 32 pages
• Books will begin shipping by late November-first week of December.
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Written by Tracy Voss
Published by Live Like a Dog
Edited by Andie Ptak
Illustrated by Marcy Tippmann